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Oxford Royale and Our Host Venues

Our programmes are independently run and are not endorsed by the universities, schools and colleges in which we operate.

Our relationship with our host venues

|Our Residential Colleges |

It is important to be clear that Oxford Programs Limited, which operates Oxford Royale, is not part of or otherwise affiliated to the universities, colleges and schools in which we operate.

This includes the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Yale University, Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley. 

Oxford Programs Limited contracts with these institutions for the use of their facilities and also contracts with tutors from those institutions, but does not operate under the aegis of these organisations.

Students participating in our programmes catch a glimpse of what it is like to study at one of our locations through immersion in the school or college environment, interaction with undergraduate students and generally experiencing the university student lifestyle. Many of our teachers were educated at our host universities. However, it should be borne in mind that the programmes offered are independently run and are not endorsed by our hosts.

It should also be noted that Oxford Royale is not affiliated in any way with the individual colleges at which our programmes operate.

Additional Information

  • Oxford Royale is accredited by the British Council (for the teaching of English) and by the British Accreditation Council.
  • Oxford Programs Limited, which operates Oxford Royale, contracts with our host venues for the use of their facilities, which means that students use the university and college lecture halls, bedrooms, dining halls, seminar rooms, sports facilities, common rooms, gardens and IT facilities.
  • Oxford Royale staff, many of whom are currently tutoring and/or studying at our host universities and colleges, number almost 500 during the summer.
  • Our guest speakers often hold a lecturing or tutoring position at our host venues.
  • Our counsellors (who support students during their free time) will often be studying for their undergraduate degree at our host universities and colleges.
  • Many of our students will make a formal application to our host universities after taking their programme with Oxford Royale.
  • Oxford Royale was founded and is run by alumni of the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London.
  • If students wish to apply for an undergraduate or graduate degree course at any UK university, they will be able to ask one of our staff members to talk through the various options with them and to advise on the application procedure. Our staff will also be able to take students to a university admissions office to collect brochures and application materials.
  • Other universities may also be visited, depending on the student’s course selection.
  • Our head office is located in St Catherine’s College, Oxford. This is just for logistical reasons, for the administration, staff recruitment and general supply of summer programmes and does not mean that Oxford Programs Limited and Oxford Royale are part of or otherwise affiliated with or operate under the aegis of the University of Oxford.

For the official university and school websites, please follow the links below:

University of Oxford: https://www.ox.ac.uk/

University of Cambridge: https://www.cam.ac.uk/

Imperial College London: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/

Yale University: https://www.yale.edu/

UCLA: https://www.ucla.edu/

Columbia University: https://www.columbia.edu/

If you have any questions regarding the relationship between Oxford Royale and our host venues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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