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Important things that parents or legal guardians of Oxford Royale students aged 13 to 18 should know
It is important that, for the awareness of our students and (where necessary) their families, we highlight some key elements of our rules and terms and conditions.
On this page:
Free Time
Getting to Class
Leaving Campus Overnight
Grounds for Expulsion
Discrimination and Hate Speech: Zero Tolerance
Oxford Royale staff are always present in campus buildings and available to supervise and assist students. This includes overnight – each campus has a number of residential staff who live in staff accommodation in the same blocks and staircases as the students.
Free time
All Oxford Royale summer schools include a range of social and extra-curricular activities to keep students active, to help them wind down after lessons and to help them get to know their host city. However, we appreciate that, on occasion, students may want to explore the city they’re based in independently. The flexibility students are permitted in their free time depends on their age, as follows:
Summer Schools for students aged 13-15 (Oxford and Cambridge)
Students are permitted to leave the campus grounds for shopping, sightseeing and similar activities at times specified by the Programme Director provided that they:
(a) leave the campus in a group of 3 or more and remain with that group at all times whilst outside of the campus; and
(b) write their name into the signing out book together with their working mobile number; and
(c) take with them Oxford Royale’s 24-hour emergency mobile number and a working mobile of their own.
Students aged 13-15 are forbidden from leaving the campus grounds after dinner unless supervised by a staff member.
Summer Schools for students aged 16-18 (Oxford, Cambridge, London, UC Berkeley and Yale)
Students are permitted to leave the campus grounds for shopping, sightseeing and similar activities at times specified by the Programme Director provided that they:
(a) leave the campus in a group of 2 or more and remain with that group at all times whilst outside of the campus; and
(b) write their name into the signing out book together with their working mobile number; and
(c) take with them Oxford Royale’s 24-hour emergency mobile number and a working mobile of their own.
Students are forbidden from leaving the campus grounds after curfew.
Getting to class
For our courses for ages 13-15 and 16-18, the classrooms will often be in a different university department from the accommodation, and so students will be required to leave the accommodation campus in order to get to their lessons.
Students aged 13-15 will be accompanied on all journeys to and from such off-campus teaching locations, and must not leave any campus unsupervised except in accordance with the rules above.
Students aged 16-18 may be required to leave the campus grounds unsupervised in order to reach their classrooms, which may be a short walking distance away. Other activities including cultural, sporting, and social activities may also be scheduled to take place outside the campus grounds and students may need to reach those venues unsupervised. Students will be informed where supervision for making their way to lessons or other activities will be provided; if they are not informed, they should assume that they are to make their way unsupervised. In such cases, the Student must always sign out of the campus following the procedures set out above.
Students should have no need to use public transport, and so are prohibited from doing so unless given written permission from a senior staff member. The city centres surrounding our campuses are compact, safe and easy to navigate on foot.
A register will be taken to ensure all students are present multiple times during every day, as follows:
At breakfast
At the start of each class
At lunch (students aged 13-15 only)
At dinner
At curfew
At all excursions and formal events
Please note that the following meals are provided to students (included in the cost of the fees):
Students aged 13-15 in Oxford and Cambridge: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Students aged 16-18 in Yale: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Students aged 16-18 at UC Berkeley: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Students aged 16-18 in Oxford, Cambridge and London: Breakfast and Dinner
For those students not provided with lunch, there are a number of sandwich shops, cafés and restaurants in the city centres where students can buy a delicious, nutritious lunch. We often find that seeking out a new favourite coffee shop, cafe or restaurant with new friends can be tremendously enriching.
Leaving campus overnight with parents or guardians
If a student is planning to leave the course overnight or on weekends, or at any other such time that means they will miss a register, they need to ask their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to complete and sign an exeat form and to fax or email it to the campus office. An exeat form is required for each instance, showing: date and time of departure, destination, contact phone number details and expected time of return. Exeat forms must be presented to the campus office at least 24 hours in advance of departure. For their own safety, students are only allowed to leave the course accompanied by their parent or legal guardian or a person clearly designated by the parent/legal guardian in the exeat form. The person who accompanies the student may be required by Oxford Royale to present evidence of identity including a current passport.
Grounds for expulsion
Certain breaches of Oxford Royale’s Rules and Regulations will lead to the immediate expulsion of the student. These include the following:
Note that these are not the only reasons for which a student can be expelled – please see the relevant rules and regulations or code of conduct for full details.
Discrimination and Hate Speech: Zero Tolerance
We take pride in the multicultural and diverse environment of our summer schools, having welcomed students from more than 175 countries throughout our history, and each year we assemble a diverse team of staff to run each programme. This diversity in our workforce significantly contributes to our ongoing success. We are fully committed to fostering and safeguarding a culture of respect for everyone at all times.
We do not tolerate behaviour that we determine, in our sole opinion, to be discriminative or racist in nature, nor do we tolerate hate speech of any kind. Any and all accusations of discrimination and harassment will be thoroughly investigated by a senior member of staff (a company Director, a member of the senior management team, or a Programme Director). Any student found, in the opinion of Oxford Royale, to have demeaned, bullied, harassed or caused distress or humiliation to any other student or any staff member on the basis of their race, their ethnicity or the colour of their skin will be instantly dismissed from the course pursuant to Clauses 6 and 7 of the Terms & Conditions.
Contacting Oxford Royale
If parents or guardians wish to contact Oxford Royale while their child is attending a programme with us, they should do so by contacting the Programme Director of the campus at which their child is based. Contact telephone numbers for campuses will be made available to all students nearer to the summer.
If you have any questions about the above information, please don’t hesitate to contact us via [email protected] or +44 (0) 1865 954 800.